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I finally decided to roll out the new website layout! I've been working on this code for a few months! Massive thanks to the people over at Rarebit as well for making the JS engine that the comic runs on! There's a few features on the site that will be unavailable for some time.
ie: the jump to page dropdown will be unavailable until the comic is fully rebooted!

Speaking of rebooted...
I have begun the tedious process of converting my earlier comic episodes into page format, and getting the art up to date with the current style of the comic. I know a lot of creators say not to do this, but my earlier episodes of Flabbergast! were all created in scroll format, not page format. I would like to get this comic ready for print by 2026, (at least the first volume). In order to do that, I need to convert my old pages and make sure my newer ones look closer to the current art style! This process will probably take a few years to do as I continue to update, but I am okay with that!

The comic is coming up on its 3rd anniversary, which is crazy. I cannot thank you guys enough for all the support and kind comments you guys leave. It keeps me going! I put up a 20 page PDF digital sketchbook on my Ko-fi if anyone is interested!

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