Main Cast

Silver Sands

Silver Sands is a tabaxi who has faired pretty well for herself despite her rough and rocky history. Silver is brash and blunt. While her standoffish demeanor makes it hard for others to bond with her, she is undeniably loyal to those she considers her friends.

Xanda Underbush

Xanda Underbush of the Silver Mane tribe is a leonin from the continent of Otella. Xanda is fiercely good hearted and loves to help people, even if it puts him into bad situations. Xanda makes friends easy and love to chat with people no matter the shape, size or background. Xanda cannot stand corruption and will fight anyone that he has deemed evil or corrupt.

Iris Sayun

Ever since Iris could remember, she was helping in her parents' clinic. She would try her best to help anyone with any ailment that came through the doors. Although she is capable enough to help people in most medical situations, her affinity was more drawn towards animals and nature. On her 18th birthday, she decided to try and go on an adventure and truly find herself as a person. Seeing that her parents were adventurers before starting their own clinic and never told a story where they were in danger, what's the worst thing that could happen?


Despite having a very loving upbringing, a tragic event prompted Than to abandon his family at a young age to search for answers about the truth of religion, magic, and life itself. Though level-headed and logical, Than can sometimes be awkward in social situations. He always tries to do right by those
he believes deserve fair treatment.

The Crew

Captain of the Fall of Deceit

Flirtatious and Confident, not much else is known about Captain Lerissa. She keeps her past well reserved and remains to outwardly show herself to be promiscuous and proud.


"Abel is a jerk who acts like his shit don't stink" -This description was written by Silver.

A mysterious figure tied to Silver's past